Home Class List Syllabus Readings Resources

Instructor: Ed Brouder e-mail | 603-668-0652

Dec. 12 - Finish your audio projects for Monday. Bring a blank CD with you. There is no written assignment.

Dec. 10 - Read the Afterword on pp.328-330 and be prepared for a discussion on the Future of Radio. Specifically, do the points raised jive with the thoughts you had at the beginning of this course? How are technology and new media reshaping the 91-year old radio industry? Keep working on your final audio projects - they are due next Monday, December 17.

Dec. 5 - Your assignment is to read the essay called "The FCC and Radio" on p.291 of your textbook. It was written by Allen Myers, Communications Analyst in the FCC's Mass Media Bureau. Based on everything we have discussed in the course so far, write an essay on whether or not the FCC is relevant in 2012. State your opinions, but back them with factual documentation and cite your sources.

Dec. 3 - Read Chapter 11. Your final audio projects are due two weeks from today!

Nov. 28 - Read Chapter 10 for Monday. Do another radio log for a station you haven't logged previously. Be sure to plot all of the data in a circular hot clock format (though you can also provide a detailed outline if you wish).

Nov. 26 - We'll discuss Chapter 9 on Wednesday. Keep working on the components of your audio project.

Nov. 21 - Read Chapter 8 for Monday. Find out all you can about two of the earliest rock 'n roll disc jockeys - Alan Freed and Dewey Phillips. Write a short essay about what you discover (be sure to cite your sources!).

Nov. 19 - Read Chapter 7 for Wednesday. Your Midterm Exam is also due on Wednesday!

Nov. 14 - Read Chapter 6 for Monday and write your 60-second commercial (bring extra copies if you need extra voices). In the Lab, continue producing your 30-second commercial. You will be given a take-home Midterm Exam on Monday and it is due on Wednesday.

Nov. 12 - For Wednesday, write a 30-second commercial for an actual product or service. Make enough paper copies so each required voice talent has one. Also read Chapter 5.

Nov. 9 - Read Chapter 4 for Monday, and do a third hour-long radio log; this time the station should feature a different format than your previous logs. This time plot the program elements in a circular clock format instead of a list. Also, visit Dick Orkin's Radio Ranch to find examples of funny commercials. Write down and submit the location of 2 or 3 spots because you will be asked to play them for the class and explain why they are effective.

Nov. 7 - Remember, we have a mandatory makeup class on Friday. Also, read Chapter 3 and do another hour-long music radio log. Pick a different station than the first log you did.

Nov. 5 - For Wednesday, read Chapter 2.

Oct. 31 - Your assignments are: (1) bring your headphones, a flash drive, and some blank CD media for future lab use. (2) Read Chapter 1. (3) Spend an hour listening to the music radio station of your choice. Make detailed written notes about everything the station does in that hour. When a song starts, note the time (and name of tune/artists if known). When a commercial cluster begins, note the time and log the spots. Note how long the DJ talks. Provide details of everything you hear in that hour. Keep your log in a list format for review during class.

Oct. 29 - cancelled by Hurricane Sandy - mandatory makeup class on Friday, Nov. 9, 8:00-10:30 a.m.

Class Audio Project:
1. 5-minute scoped aircheck of a music show
2. two commercials (one :30, one :60) written & produced by student
3. edited piece of music (target 60 seconds)
4. 3-minute produced feature interview