Home Class List Syllabus Readings Resources

Instructor: Ed Brouder e-mail | 603-668-0652

lecture notes (Ch. 16)
lecture notes (Ch. 15)
lecture notes (Ch. 14)
lecture notes (Ch. 13)
lecture notes (Ch. 12)
lecture notes (Ch. 11)
lecture notes (Ch. 10)
lecture notes (Ch. 9) | video: Enhanced Multitrack Editing in Adobe Audition CC
lecture notes (Ch. 8) | Recording & Playback Devices | video: Automatic Pitch Correction
lecture notes (Ch. 7)
ecture notes (Ch. 6) | video: How To Record A Voice-Over In Adobe Audition CS6
lecture notes (Ch. 6) | video: using the Spectral Frequency Display to clean up your audio
ecture notes (Ch. 5) | How Hearing Works video | What Does Sound Look Like video | Commercials
ecture notes (Ch.4) | Consoles | Microphones
ecture notes (Ch. 3)
ecture notes (Ch. 2) | Quick History of Recording | Glossary | How to Create Your Unique USP
ecture notes (Ch. 1) | Adobe Audition supported formats | Audio file types
lecture notes (Ch. 1) | How to Change the Audio Input on a Mac
lecture notes The Father of Audio Production | Anti-war music montage | Beatles: Eleanor Rigby